15 August 2012


salam , hai readers!

ehem, dah nak habis Ramadhan dahh. and suddenly terpikir yang me just doing nothing much for Ramadhan kali ni, me rasa tak cukup dan tak puas hati dgn ibadah me terhadap yang maha Esa. tapi me harap Allah terima seadanya yang me mampu buat. act, me is not alim or muslimah. me just wanna change, tapi bukan cara drastic lahh, pelan pelan. seriusly, me wanna move. insyaAllah. 

the steps that im using now is still searching what i want, learning, and practice. even tak banyak, tapi still ada sikit2. me harap ada yang bagi me semangat and keep istiqamah in what im doing. 

bukan senang, sebab me kadang2 jenis tak tetap pendirian. ini yg ditakutkan. me mudah ikut orang. haishh susah macam ni, haruslahh mencari sesuatu. to keep me stand by my own. plss Allah, give me the chance.


12 August 2012


yeahhh dah 10 entry!! erk. overnye kau nyahhh. haha whatever. 

so straight to the cerita, im gonna to write about this two girls who is veryhh veryhhh special for me. who's that girls? aww awww. see yauu,

okeh perasan dak ada orang yg sama dalam 2 gambar di atas? haha. the top one is nabilah and me , the other one is yasmin and me. 

whyyyy anaa tullis pasai depa? well we've been friends since sekolah rendah till now. even kami tak duduk study sama samaa, tapi kami sgt love to each other. wahhh ayatt ==' hahaha. sumpah sayang sgt depa dua. hew kami macam adik beradik yang tak boleh pisah. takdak nak gaduh or jeling jeling mata yg tak brapa nak smpurna kann, hihi. smooth jaa friendship kami setakat ni Alhamdulillah. 

nabilah now is preparing to fly to Jepun this coming March, InsyaAllah. well im quite respect her who is never give up on something. she's keep going foward. semangat dia, guaa tabik springggg, *pew melantun. 

yasmin form 6. wanita, cehh wanitaa. haha tibai p. wanita ini sedang menghempas pulas untk STPM this year, and InsyaAllah, next year, masuklah unibersitiiii~ this girl, no doubt lah. mahfuzah sgt suka the way she thinks. the way she's giving opinions and bla blaa. veryyhh veryhhhh usefull you knowhhh! ala mcm kaunselor sikit minah ni. haha.

so thats all. friends. who are you and what you are, me is still here, pls count on me. and i'll be there. 
miss both of you much! XOXO. 


09 August 2012



next year, im gonna turn to 20 y.o. (rasa tuaa ==' )
next time, more carefull with people. (meet so many strangers)
next time, do not easily trust people.
next time, must think wiser and more matured.
next time, have to change to better muslimah. (InsyaAllah)
next time, please behave your self.
next, kena rajin. (me is pemalas hehe)
next, learn everythings slowly but get it.

im trying to move. being new Mahfuzah who growing up with blessing of Allah. 

05 August 2012


sorry, i really need to do like this. emergency resigned. because of some problems and im no longer can stand with 'some of you' guys. so now.

i'm officially resigned as waitress yogo goyo. thanks all for everythings. 

03 August 2012


some of my friend mintak link blog ni, hehe bukan tak mau bagi, tapi ana baru mula balek, and well, blog ni created to write, all about me. maybe one day, if im ready, i'll put this link in my twitter account okay babes, hehe. and, someone asked, why blubyy monster? HAHA. blubyy no meaning, monster is something that im look alike. hehe im getting bigger and bigger like a bimbooo monster! okay dah. fullstop. baiiiii! x)